Tuesday, February 17, 2009

#1: Beach Babylon, Imogen Edwards-Jones

I knew it had been awhile since I'd blogged but wow, two months. Yikes! Sometimes I procrastinate and come to the blog with 4 or 5 books queued up, but today the news gets worse: I've only finished one book since New Years. Clearly I am going to have to read hard and heavy in the coming months to make up for this initial shortfall.

I didn't intend to immediately read another "Babylon" book - they're interesting but it feels a little like reading Danielle Steele (ie, like cotton candy for the brain = initially sweet but bad for long-term health). I started both Witch of Portobello (Paulo Coelho) and The Monsters of Templeton (Lauren Groff) but I couldn't get into either one. So I ended up on Beach Babylon. It wasn't great - it's really just a bunch of anecdotes (about life working at a luxury beach resort) strung together. And while they're individually interesting, every book needs a real plot, and this one just didn't have it. But having said that, it was a quick read and I clearly got through it. And that's really all I have to say about it...

Oh, except for the cover. I've made it a little larger than usual so you can see how this gorgeously tanned woman has the freakiest pale hand. It doesn't even look like it belongs to her. And it kinda creeps me out.

Next up: The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao. I'm on page 20 or so, but so far it's fantastic. Which is why it won the Pulitzer Prize, I suppose. Since it's our current book club pick, I had to temporarily put down Lauren Willig's new novel, The Temptation of the Night Jasmine. I'm on page 100 or so of that, and so far, sadly, it's awful.

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