Thursday, November 20, 2008

Rob Pattinson's Confessions

Yes, I'm blogging about Twilight again, mostly because Rob Pattinson has become my new favorite person. Not in that screaming-teenager-please-Edward-bite-my-neck kind of way, but because it seems it's no-holds-barred with this kid...which I find totally refreshing as the Twilight mania careens way out of control. I mean, I like the series, but it's not Shakespeare. And I'm a little concerned that teenagers can't seem to tell the difference between an actor and a fictional character. Get a grip, girls!

Anyway, Pattinson recently gave an interview to E!'s Ben Lyons about his take on the series' popularity. While looking totally nervous and running his hand through his artfully disheveled hair, he says, "When I read it, I was convinced Stephenie was convinced that she was Bella, and it was like a book that wasn’t supposed to be published. It was like reading her sexual fantasy..." And I realized, he is so right. Stephenie Meyer created Twilight from a dream that she had where she met the most perfect man she had ever laid eyes on in a clearing. He was amazing, sure, but the most amazing part was that he loved her. Isn't that every girl's fantasy? (Not to mention the plot of every makeover teenager movie in existence?) The dream was so vivid and strong that Meyer even remembers the date. She wanted to hold onto it so she started writing it down. The result, of course, was the phenomenally bestselling Twilight. It's not an especially well-written novel; I do think its appeal, like the VC Andrews books, is its fantasy aspect...and I don't just mean the mythical creatures. Pattinson totally hit it on the head, and I can't believe I hadn't thought of it before.

You can watch the clip here:

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