Thursday, October 30, 2008

#23: New Moon, Stephenie Meyer

So I'm looking at this book sitting in front of me and I'm having a hard time remembering what it's about. I did like New Moon, but it hasn't stayed with me the way Twilight has. Perhaps because it doesn't have the same level of narrative tension. Like the first book, not a lot happens. For the most part, Bella retreats into a shell because Edward has left her. He breaks it off with cruel words and she believes him, and then spends hundreds of pages in a total funk. She kinda starts liking Jacob Black, newly ordained werewolf. (Yes, I know: Girl meets, likes vampires and werewolves? Insert eye roll.) And then Alice shows up and they're off to save her beloved Edward. Part of the problem, I think, was that I was pretty sure that Edward was coming back; it's just not the kind of story where the main character moves on and settles for someone she doesn't love. So I kinda got a little impatient to move through the sad part, which at times struck me as filler. (Interestingly, Stephenie Meyer encourages you to read this book twice; she thinks people overlook the middle section because they just want to know what happens.) My other issue is that I have little idea of what's going to happen in Eclipse; I don't think this book really set up (or even hinted at) the next conflict at all.

But whatever, I'm still into the series. So thank god, my copies of Eclipse and Breaking Dawn have already made their way into my possession, thank you library. I've just got to finish Time's Arrow before I can jump back into the mythical adventures taking place in Forks, Washington.

Oh, before I go, I do have to give Stephenie Meyer props for injected a little more humor into this one. My favorite lines, courtesy of page 477: "I looked at Aro [the Italian vampire] blankly. Was he joking? Or was he really asking me if I wanted to stay for dinner?" Heehee.

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